Jan 24

Mobile advertising! Vehicle lettering for your Maine business.

Vehicle lettering for your business is a no nonsense way to expose your business to potential new customers. What is great about vehicle lettering is that every demographic is forced to see it. You are a mobile billboard as you go from job site to job site. Personally I like the value that vehicle lettering, vehicle graphics, vehicle wraps and partial wraps bring to mine and any business. I measure that value in cost per impression. The materials we use have a life span on average of 7+ years. Your branded vehicle will cost less then a penny a day. Compare that to your telephone ad that can costs thousands per year and has to compete against the rest of your competition. If you are not utilizing your company vehicle as a way to literally drive your sales up then give us a call. We provide free consultations and estimates and are ready to help you grow your business.

Vehicle lettering for maine and new hampshire contractors

Vehicle lettering for maine and new hampshire contractors

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